
Save the Mothers Trust UK (SMT UK) is committed to transforming lives through impactful initiatives in healthcare, education, poverty alleviation, and emergency relief. Explore our projects to see how we’re empowering communities and creating lasting change worldwide.

Ramadhan Food Aid

This Ramadan, share the blessings of the season and fill hungry bellies with nutritious food. With just £40, you can provide a life-changing food parcel that will sustain a family for an entire month.

Ramadhan Daily Iftar

Since August 2017 more than 650,000 Rohingya refugees have fled violence in Myanmar and crossed the border into Bangladesh with nothing. As a stateless Muslim minority group in Myanmar.

SMT Winter Appeal

This winter,SMT are working with several international partners to provide winterpacks & blankets to poor families in Pakistan, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Bangladesh and here in the UK!

Hot Meals Project

The aim and mission of this project is to provide cooked hot meals to families and individuals who struggle to afford or prepare food for themselves and help combat the rise in food poverty around the UK.

Food Bank

Current statistics show that 13 million people live below the poverty line in the UK and this number has steadily increased in recent years.

Education Project

To be illiterate in modern times is to live in a hostile and confusing world. Millions of boys and girls around the world are still being left out.

Ten 4 Ten

An appeal to help the respected Family of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Ahl-al-Bayt (Sada’at) are the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) family and every believing Muslim respects them dearly.

The Chicken Project

The Chicken Project is designed so that people donate just £3.00 to buy a Chicken. Chickens are then bought and distributed to the poorest of families in Pakistan.

Sewing Project

Save the Mothers Trust, currently run 2 sewing Machine training centres in Pakistan and Abidjan (West Africa). Each centre runs a 6 months training programme

Sada’at Project

An appeal to help the respected Family of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Ahl-al-Bayt (Sada’at) are the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) family and every believing Muslim respects them dearly.

Orphan Appeal

At SMT we believe every child has the right to a nourishing upbringing, safe from harm, with access to education, healthcare and the emotional support needed to develop the potential found in each of them.

Masjid Project

The role of the Masjid in society has always been instrumental in regards to social, moral and educational uplifting of the Muslim community.

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