Zakat is the concept of obligatory charity in Islam. It is how we give back out of our own wealth, to those less fortunate after what has been spent on basic necessities, family expenses, due credits etc. In a world of gross social and economic inequality, it is vital for Muslims to uphold the obligation of Zakat.
Your Zakat last year enabled us to change and save many lives in East Africa, West Africa, Pakistan, Kashmir, Syria and Palestine.
Many people in countries such as Pakistan, Kashmir, Africa (to name a few), do not have access to government funds, decent education or even clean water for that matter. Therefore the vulnerable people, (single mothers, widows, the disabled, the elderly, etc) in those communities are left completely to their own devices. Save the Mothers Trust utilises your zakat to help these vulnerable people get access to good health care, food, education and other basic necessities.
What do you pay Zakat on?
Many of us living in the west may not know of anyone in poverty to pay our Zakat to, therefore the Zakat Project provides an easy, reliable and secure way of doing so. Save the Mothers Trust will ensure your Zakat will be spent on those that need it the most. People in countries such as Pakistan, Uganda and Ghana (to name a few), do not have access to government funds, decent education or even clean water for that matter. Therefore the vulnerable people (single mothers, widows, the disabled, the elderly etc.) in those communities are left completely to their own devices, Save the Mothers Trust utilises your zakat to help those vulnerable people get access to good healthcare, food, education and other basic necessities.
Your Zakat last year enabled us to change and save many lives in East Africa, West Africa, Pakistan, Kashmir, Syria and Palestine.
Many people in countries such as Pakistan, Kashmir, Africa (to name a few), do not have access to government funds, decent education or even clean water for that matter. Therefore the vulnerable people, (single mothers, widows, the disabled, the elderly, etc) in those communities are left completely to their own devices. Save the Mothers Trust utilises your zakat to help these vulnerable people get access to good health care, food, education and other basic necessities.

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“Charity does not decrease wealth. No one forgives another except that Allah increases his honor, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah raises his status”
(Sahih Muslim 2588)
“Take from their wealth so that you might purify and sanctify them.”
(Surah At-Tawbah 9:103)