Donate Your Time

Get involved, Be A Part of Save the Mothers Trust…

We can all do our bit to help eradicate poverty. As an individual or as an organisation, in a big or a small way, you can help us to help the needy. Whether it’s signing up to the mailing list to stay informed or enquiring about how you, your organisation or business can help. If you have the enthusiasm we have the ideas.

Volunteers will help and support our charity work by:
Organising fundraisers i.e. Dinners, Events, Sponsored Walks, Donation collections, Feeding the poor & much much more. Your time and efforts could help save the lives of those vulnerable people we are supporting.

Volunteers form the cornerstone of Save the Mothers Trust and are fundamental to the successful work of the organisation. SMT values its volunteers and their willingness and enthusiasm to donate the most precious of resources, namely their time. As such, we are able to provide a whole range of volunteering opportunities and experiences based on your interests, desires and skills. We endeavor to make the volunteering experience a truly reciprocal one; we work hard to ensure that, whilst we benefit from your contributions, we also provide you with a much rewarding and beneficial experience.

Who Can Get Involved?
Individuals and groups from various ethnic and professional backgrounds and all walks of life can participate in the charity. You must be motivated and eager to work for public welfare undertakings and willing to contribute to society.

What are the tasks and duties?
The main focus of SMT projects is to help as many needy and deprived people across the globe and to make a positive difference in their lives. In order for us to continue this essential work, the support from volunteers is much relied upon.

Become a volunteer

We are always looking for volunteers, who enjoy helping while having fun. So? register and donate your time now!

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