Education Project

At SMT, we believe education is the foundation of a thriving, independent community. However, millions of children worldwide are deprived of this basic right, particularly in developing countries where poverty forces families to prioritize survival over schooling. This disparity leaves countless children, especially girls, unable to access the education they need to build a brighter future.

The SMT Education Project is dedicated to changing this narrative by supporting and upgrading schools in Pakistan, Kashmir, and West Africa. Currently, we sponsor and assist 76 schools with over 5,000 students, providing them with both secular and Islamic education. Our initiatives include financial support, educational materials, and infrastructure upgrades.

Understanding the importance of keeping pace with technology, we have established computer centers to equip students and local communities with modern skills. Additionally, we sponsor Hafiz, Aalim, and teacher programs, ensuring that students and educators receive the support they need to excel.

Donate today:

  • £5 – Monthly Tuition Fee
  • £20 – Monthly Hafiz Student Sponsorship
  • £20 – Monthly Aalim Student Sponsorship
  • £35 – Monthly Teacher Sponsorship

Donate Now

“Charity does not decrease wealth. No one forgives another except that Allah increases his honor, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah raises his status”

(Sahih Muslim 2588)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

“The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari 450, Sahih Muslim 533)

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